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Home / News / Broadland Youth Regatta - won by WOBYC

Broadland Youth Regatta - won by WOBYC

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Published 14:11 on 2 Sep 2024

A great write-up on Yachts and Yachting, here:

And a letter, from the Excelsior Trust:

Hello WOBYC!

I've been informed by Lorraine at Horning SC that not only were you winners of the regatta on Saturday - congratulations! but that your team very kindly nominated us to receive the proceeds from the raffle held on the day. It's such a lovely thing to receive and really speaks to the esteem that Excelsior is held in by your young sailors.

I wasn't able to stay all day, but I have to say that the camraderie your guys showed was brilliant! The vocal cheering whenever one of their team was racing was so great to see. Well done on creating a such wonderful team spirit, they are all a credit to your club.

Will you pass on our heartfelt thanks to them all from us at Excelsior? We'd all be very grateful.

Kindest regards

Francesca Kitto-Jones
Sales and Administration

Last updated 16:01 on 3 September 2024

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